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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas all my Ho Ho Ho's!!

So I continue to be slack in the posting department and for that I am truly sorry. For some reason I was having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit this year, so I started collecting pictures of gorgeous men hoping it would help put me in the mood. Well, it worked. ;)

If Santa's bag has goodies like this in it for me I'll be a much better girl next year. Or perhaps I need to be a much naughtier girl ... what do you girls think?

Have I mentioned how much I LOVE peppermint?! This one might take me a while to get to the center of. Woo hoo! Mmmm my lips and tongue are all tingly now. Hee hee
Guess this answers the question of "Does Santa wear boxers or briefs?" Neither! Or both? Hmmm ... either way it's boxer briefs! LOL
Ho Ho Ho indeed! I want to lick that tattoo below his navel. Well, actually both tattoos are quite lickable in my opinion. :) I wonder what he's got in the bag for me?
As a Texas girl, this is a Santa I'm very happy to see. Oh I have so many things to wish for ... we may be here for a while. Let me just slide that hay out of the way and I'll get right on that lap.
Well, hello, Santa. What are you doing with that hand? Anything I can help with? Please?? I've always been a fan of mistletoe. The tradition is to kiss BELOW the mistletoe, right? His arm's gonna get tired of holding that up eventually...
So I saw this guy with his necklace of Christmas lights, and thought "Wow, if a few lights can make him look this good, what would a whole strand do for him?"
Lucky for me he was game for finding out, but somehow in the few minutes it took me to set up the camera he got tangled in the strand.
I tried to help him get them untangled, but he had other (much better) ideas and we got sidetracked.
Finally I managed to untangle myself and get back to the camera, but he was still caught up in the strand and decided to just sit down and relax. What a glorious vision. I was right, the necklace was nice, but a whole strand is amazing.
I hope you enjoyed my silly little post, but more than that I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!!

Merry Christmas bbs!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall ... Who's the Purtiest Peen of All?

Welcome back to the Purty Peen Blog and the Friday installment of beautiful men. I usually do a theme, but this week I had a hard time finding the pics for the theme I wanted. I started sorting through all my pics trying to find another theme that I hadn't already done, and while I couldn't find a theme I did come across my folder of pictures of the yummy Gilles Marini. You may know him from his appearance in the Sex in the City movie or you may recognize him from his time as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars. If for some unfathomable reason you do not recognize this beautiful man, then I consider this a service in helping to right this travesty.

Happy Friday! Enjoy the browsing...!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

For the Love of TML

I apologize for the hiatus thtat Purty Peens took. Real life caught up and held me hostage for a while, but I'm working to get back in the swing of things. This is the not the usual PP post, but this post is dedicated to my beloved twiance, TML, who has kept me sane and laughing for the last few months. She is an amazing woman who just happens to have a crush on the most unlikely of the Twilight cast ... Michael Welch, aka Mike Newton. :) Bb I promised you a surprise and I hope you enjoy it! Thank you for everything ... I love you!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

If one PP is good, two is better

I've been toying with the idea of putting up some man on man loving pictures for a while, but wasn't sure how it would be received. I'm hoping you all appreciate the beauty of these men times two. Happy Friday all!

This last one totally makes me think of Jasper and Edward. Anyone else?

We will never forget ...

9/11 has become a day that the few in the world do not instantly recognize the significance of. Here in the US the day is hard for many of us and moments of silence and tributes take place across the country throughout the day. There are few who cannot tell you exactly where they were at time the attacks took place and what they were doing. We turned on radios and televisions and scoured the internet for any information we could find to make sense of the horrible tragedy that was taking place. Calls were made to loved ones and panic set in when cell towers and long distance lines became over loaded and calls simply couldn't be connected.

I relive this day many times a year when I recall the loss of people I knew who simply never reappeared and on this day more than any other I fight to remember the loved ones we lost and the men and women who fight daily to defend the freedoms that I and so many others sometimes take for granted.

So many people rushed to help that day - firemen, paramedics, police officers, even average civilians came forward to do whatever they could. I was halfway across the country and felt desparate to do anything I could so gave blood and volunteered to help man blood drives.

I thought a lot today about who I wanted to feature in this week's PP udate. Ultimately I decided on the military men (there are women as well, but this is PP) who stand up every day so that I can sleep at night without fear. Each of the pictures presented here is a US soldier in one of the military branches. I respect them even more than I can ever possibly put into words.

God Bless of the members of the US Military whether active or reserve for having the courage and committment to serve and offer to stand for what the United States of America was founded on - freedom.

We will never forget.

It's a Labor of Love

For many of us, this is Labor Day weekend. We have three days to enjoy the end of summer before another long, laborious fall of work and school sets in. To fully enjoy the last hot days of the summer sun many of us head out to the beaches and lakes, or hang out near our pools and enjoy BBQs and time with family.

Well, I don't have any kids so when I get a long weekend all to myself my first thoughts turn to which of my beautiful men I'm going to enjoy filling my time with.

I called up some of my guys and told them I was looking to have a little swim party and BBQ at the family house down on the Texas coast. Luckily for me, and therefore you :), several of them were free and met me at the house, swimsuits on and ready to relax and enjoy some time together. Here are a few candid shots from our little party. I hope you enjoy!

Andrew was the first to show up, bright and early so he could soak up as much of the sun's rays as possible. Look at that smile - warms my heart even more than the sun does my skin.

Now Doug here has always been the playful type. He was a boy scout, but we still can't seem to convince him that the oar belongs in the boat. And he wonders why we just float in random circles?

It was a really hot day outside and I asked the boys if one of them would be willing to do my back with sunscreen so I didn't burn. There was a tense moment shortly after that while Travis, Joshua and Evan decided who was going to help me. That was a no brainer ... all of them!

I love how spirited all my guys are, but poor Ben was a little miffed when someone snagged his swimsuit before he could even get it on. He made due with the swim ring, but I eventually convinced him it wasn't necessary. This is private property after all, and I certainly wasn't going to turn him in.

The Texas sun takes some getting used to, and Tristian, being a native of the cooler climates up North wasn't quite prepared for a whole day in the 100+ degree F temperatures. We kept him hydrated and he eventually followed Ben's unwitting lead and lost what little bit of clothing he had on in an effort to cool himself. I eventually had to take him inside and wipe him down with cool rags. Oh the things I'll do for my friends...

At the end of the day we had all shed our suits for the most part and were just enjoying the last few warm rays as the sun set. I wandered out to let everyone know we were setting up the blender and getting ready to continue the festivities right on into the evening and night and found Jason in the shallows admiring the setting sun. As much as I love a good sunset I love this view even more.

The Best Way to a Woman's Bed ...

... cook for her of course! I have to give credit to the idea for this Friday's PP undate to our very own WMH. I panicked a bit when I realized my week had flown by and it was Friday, and I had nothing to post for PP. I tweeted for requests and she was wonderful enough to send me this suggestion (your other suggestion bb ... totally next week's - I promise).

It's not nearly as easy to find pics of half dressed men cooking as you'd think it might be. Not even at a BBQ pit!

I believe I've found a few that are worth the time to gaze upon. I hope you'll agree!

Now if I walked in and this sight was what greeted me, I'd be starving, but he'd have to cook the food later!

Everybody knows that stir fry is good for you, right? I'd devour that entire bowl and probably the bowl itself to get to what's behind it.

I'm not a fan of green foods usually, but if he told me I had to eat all my veggies to get his dessert, I'd ask for seconds!

Not to forget my meat and potato lovers ... here's one for you! He didn't want to grill because the open flames were a little worrisome but he assures me his meat is tender and melts in your mouth.

Finally we get to my favorite part of any meal ... dessert! That batter looks delicious. Can I lick the bowl?

An Angel to Watch Over Me

Hi my lovelies! I'm back in my home safe and sound. Sorry about the delay in posting this week, but last week's post from the hotel was such a nightmare that I decided to wait and do this week's once I was home again.

I've been reading Price of Balance by Averysubtlegift and was looking at her avi on the Twilighted thread for her story, and decided I wanted to do this week's posting on angels.

Now I don't know about you, but I'd be happy to have any of these beauties watch over me while I sleep.